Photo taken from https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230519/p2a/00m/0op/017000c
Over the span of 3 days, major powers in the world met for the Group of Seven Summit in Hiroshima. These powers include the traditional seven powers, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition to that, other countries like Indonesia, India, Brazil also participated. However, the most impactful appearance was President Volodymyr Zelensky appearance, which was announced at the last minute. Zelensky’s appearance has helped him to further Ukraine’s agenda, of attempting to get more allies to push for an end to the conflict against Russia. At the same time, the G7 has led to greater condemnation over China’s actions, with countries calling for an end to China’s act of economic coercion. This essay will clarify the significant outcomes of the G7 summit.
First, Zelensky’s surprise presence in the summit has led to him interacting with many other powers, enlisting allies to aid Ukraine and end the conflict. More importantly, Zelensky could engage countries who are sitting on the fence in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, like India and Brazil, countries who have yet to condemn Russia for the invasion. India being a key economic partner of Russia, had refrained from condemning Russia despite providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Simultaneously, the summit has helped Zelensky to continue dialogues with countries that have backed Ukraine, like Canada, France and the United States (US). Notably, Zelensky secured fresh military aid from the US, with the US providing a US$375 million military assistance package which includes aid in ammunition, armoured vehicles and artillery. As such, the summit has given Zelensky a platform to push for more aid from other countries. At the same time, with him standing together with the G7 countries, it helps to send a message to Moscow. The summit shows them the cooperation between countries who are determined to end the conflict in Moscow. Clearly, Moscow has been intimidated by the summit, with Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavorv condemning the G7 for isolating Russia.
Second, the G7 summit has also fueled condemnation and conflict with China. In the joint communique, G7 countries called for China to play by international rules, and avoid coercion and imposing its will on smaller countries. For example, China’s adoption of chequebook diplomacy towards smaller countries like Honduras, in a bid to reduce Taiwan’s allies. The G7 countries were collectively concerned about China’s military activity around Taiwan, and just like its stance on the Russian conflict, these countries hope for China to engage in peaceful methods towards dealing with issues in Taiwan. Simultaneously, they hope China does not impose its will in Southeast Asia as well, with regards to a long standing dispute over territory in the South China Sea. As such, we see a strong stance displayed by the G7 against China, a country with great trade links with most G7 countries. Evidently, these countries want to take a stand on humanitarian issues and the issue of sovereignty, with them prioritising these issues over their economic ties with China. These countries have sent a clear message against economic coercion, with these countries looking to adopt “de-risking”, where they diversify trade sources, without being fearful of economic sanctions imposed by China. Evidently, it is a message to China, that they will not be coerced into China’s demands just because of economic benefits, as these G7 countries look to support one another and strengthen each other’s economies to be resilient against China’s threats, and reduce their economic dependence on China. With these measures, China cannot possibly be pleased, and it has accused Japan and the G7 for smearing China, and it has looked to beef up alliances with other countries like central asian countries, as it recently held a meeting with them while unveiling trade and development strategies to boost their infrastructure and economy. Hence, the G7 summit has been very significant in ramping up conflict with China, as tensions between the G7 countries and China rise.
In conclusion, the G7 summit has been a rather significant one, with Ukraine strengthening ties with countries, and enlisting more aid to defend against Russia. Also, it has shown how countries are trying to stand up to China’s economic coercion, and it will lead to an intensification in conflict with China.